Buy CBD for Osteoarthritis of your Cervical Spine | Pain Relief for the Back

Posted on , by alain topflex

Osteoarthritis is the most common disease affecting the joints. According to figures from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), it affects no less than 10 million people in France, 65% of whom are over 65 (1). It results from a progressive and irreparable degeneration of the cartilage of the bone heads of the joint. The symptoms are characterized by a chronic condition that is more or less disabling depending on the stage of degradation of the latter. Thus, it can seriously impact the quality of life of affected patients, generating a real functional discomfort.

As there are no treatments for osteoarthritis, you will have to rely on medication to relieve the symptoms. Among them, the cannabinoids of cannabis


The cannabinoids in cannabis appear to be effective analgesics and anti-inflammatories to calm this type of joint pain. Although research is advancing rapidly on the active products of cannabis (THC and CBD in particular), scientific studies are still needed to understand how these phytocannabinoids work to relieve osteoarthritis. However, many testimonies from arthritis patients extol the virtues of CBD oil to find some relief from their joint pain. But, what do we really know about CBD as a “medical” treatment for pain caused by osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis and its conventional treatments

Rheumatism is very often associated with or becomes the main cause of joint problems (effusions, synovitis, etc.). They are essentially found in 2 forms often confused:

    • inflammatory: arthritis
    • non-inflammatory: osteoarthritis


Arthritis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the joints. It generates a more or less bearable pain that can lead to a real limitation of movements if it is too strong. Current treatments administered to patients with severe arthritis are not without insignificant side effects, although they often interfere with the pro-inflammatory cytokines involved in arthritis.


Osteoarthritis is a so-called “mechanical” disease characterized by the gradual degradation of joint cartilage. Aging is the most common risk factor for osteoarthritis.

The main factors are general (weight, age), genetic or trauma-related. The affected joints are usually neither red nor hot. But, in time, the thickness of the cartilage is irreversibly reduced until it pinches the joint. When the cartilage disappears completely, the joint may become partially or totally impotent.

Since current treatments are exclusively symptomatic, the use of cannabis cannabinoids such as CBD, with its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, may be relevant.

Opinion on the use of CBD as a symptomatic treatment for patients with osteoarthritis

Today in France, osteoarthritis affects approximately 9 to 10 million people. Among the most incapacitating symptoms, we find the inflammation of the joints which can generate a more or less important limitation of mobility according to the pain felt and the evolution of the pathology. At present, the side effects attributed to symptomatic treatments for osteoarthritis are still significant and can lead to immune disorders. Thus, patients are relieved of a pain while causing themselves other discomforts. That’s where CBD comes in!

Indeed, unlike the famous psychotropic cannabinoid in cannabis, THC, CBD has only advantages:

    • non-psychotropic
    • analgesic
    • anti-inflammatory

    • legal in France

      (according to well-defined criteria)

In 2017, a study published by the European Journal of Pain (2) shows that with CBD in gel form, rats with osteoarthritis see a significant decrease in pain related to this condition. Its intake could even decrease the cartilage degradation process.

In what form is CBD good for osteoarthritis?


Buying CBD as a painkiller is legal

In France, the CBD molecule as an isolated active substance is legal. Only its origin can be a problem. Indeed, CBD or cannabidiol is one of the cannabinoids present in hemp, just like the famous THC molecule which makes you “high” and leads to addiction. The sale of products containing CBD such as oil, ointments (gel, cream, ..) or dietary supplements (capsules, ..), is legal as long as the said substance :

    • comes from hemp varieties authorized in France (3)
    • these cannabis varieties must have a THC content lower than 0.2%.

The CBD ointment or cream to relieve osteoarthritis, dosage and use

CBD can be found in many forms on the French market. Each of these products has its own concentration of cannabidiol and more or less responds to a specific application. The use of CBD ointments for example can be relevant for a person suffering from this type of pathology since its application is local. The choice of the concentration in CBD will be done according to the pain of the patient but not that. The physiology and sensitivity of each individual to this active molecule must be taken into account.

CBD oil for osteoarthritis relief, dosage and use

CBD oils can be found in different rates:

  • Cannabidiol concentration starting from 5% and generally going up to 30%.

These levels meet the specific needs of an individual. As each organism responds differently physiologically and physically to identical stimuli, the concentration of CBD oprimal for one patient will not be the same for another.

CBD oil is found in 2 types of spectrums:

      • fullspectrum or broadspectrum

CBD oils come from different varieties of cannabis plants. Therefore, they will obviously not have the same effects and the same gustatory qualities from one oil to another. In order to find the right oil for a person suffering from osteoarthritis, it is best to test a product with a low CBD concentration beforehand. Then, if it is not enough, gradually increase the dosage (number of drops per dose) after a while. And so on until you find the ideal personal content.

CBD capsules to relieve osteoarthritis

CBD capsules are nothing more than encapsulated CBD oil. If some people prefer to take the oil in drop form in order to best balance the desired dosage, others will opt for capsules. Indeed, if the dosage in CBD is less personalized, these capsules have the merit to have a simple use. Especially for those new to CBD medical treatment. You just need to buy capsules according to the desired concentration. With CBD hemp oil, however, several factors come into play:

      • the choice of CBD content
      • the number of drops to be ingested

CBD and osteoarthritis in dogs

CBD is increasingly used as a supplement in the management of joint pain. If its benefits are no longer to be proven, it has the added advantage of having no heavy side effects. If most scientific studies highlight its analgesic and anti-inflammatory action on osteoarthritis in rats, its effectiveness is real on humans but also on pets such as dogs and cats.

CBD and osteoarthritis to conclude…

Although still under study for diseases such as osteoarthritis or arthritis, CBD has real therapeutic properties because of its recognized anti-inflammatory actions and its analgesic properties. Without notable side effects, CBD (
capsules or ointment) would therefore be an effective ally to relieve the pain associated with certain pathologies such as osteoarthritis and arthritis. However, it is preferable not to juxtapose CBD with another drug treatment without first talking to your doctor. Indeed, the molecules could have antagonistic effects.

FAQ: CBD and Osteoarthritis

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  1. Inserm figures on arthritis:,’one%20out%20of%20the%20other
  2. Attenuation of early phase inflammation by cannabidiol prevents pain and nerve damage in rat osteoarthritis ;
    Holly T Philpott

    Melissa O’Brien
    , Jason J McDougall ; European Journal of Pain, 2017:
  3. Order of August 22, 1990 implementing Article R. 5132-86 of the Public Health Code for cannabis: https: //