Cannabis Glossary: CBD definition. Hemp, a real Culture

Posted on , by alain topflex

Cannabis as a plant, is globally known to all. With the marginalization it has experienced for many years, a coded language facilitates communication between consumers. A kind of slang specific to cannabis. Indeed, it can happen, while reading articles related to the CBDIt is not always easy to understand the popularization, the specificity or even the definition of certain words. In order to solve this problem, we propose you a small simplified lexicon around cannabis. This will make your readings easier to grasp:

A as in ….

Addiction: cerebral pathology caused by a dependence to a substance (cannabis, opiate, cocaine, heroin, alcohol…) or an activity (gambling), with deleterious consequences for health.

Amnesia: variety of cannabis with dominance sativa appeared in the Nineties. It is today a great classic impossible to circumvent of the consumers of cannabis, extremely powerful on all the levels (effects, taste, odor, culture, output?). In spite of an average rate in THC, it is so powerful that an abusive consumption of Amnesia would involve, according to the sayings, a temporary and short amnesia, what to give him besides its name!

Aroma: term used to describe the general organoleptic properties of different plant varieties. If some qualifiers are often used such as “earthy taste”, “citrus aroma”, woody smell, … a more detailed description of the aroma of a plant can be decisive to help in the choice of a consumer for such or such variety.

Accro: abbreviation of hooked. Said of a person addicted to a substance (alcohol, drugs, medication…). “He’s addicted to chocolate!”

Afghan: black hashish with green reflections also called “the black” or “Nepalese”. Native to Asia, this shit has a sweet and long taste. Its smell is very bewitching. It is obtained by hand pressing which gives it an extremely malleable aspect (chewing gum type).

Anandamide: is an endogenous molecule (endocannabinoid) that naturally binds to CB1 cannabinoid receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). It participates in the regulation of memory, pain, cognition and particularly that of emotions. It is sometimes described as the “happiness hormone”.

To tear off: verb with positive and negative meaning. Said of a substance with strong effects or that stings the throat strongly when inhaled. “She’s ripping that weed!”

Autoflo, autoflowering: said of a seed that grows and flowers independently of the photoperiod. Its growth and flowering are genetically predefined. this characteristic allows to apprehend at best, for a “cannabiculteur”, the total duration (from the seed to the flower) of culture and thus, the harvest!

Self-production: a term used mainly in the cannabis world to refer to home growing.

B is for…

Baba cool: term also found under designations such as Bab, baba, babos, hippie. “baba”, Etymologically, “baba” comes from Hindi and means “father” and “cool” from English which translates to “calm”. The babs cool are the remnants of the hippie movement of the 70s.

Bad Trip: a term specific to drug use that refers to an unpleasant experience (bad trip) following drug use. Its intensity varies from one person to another depending on the sensitivity of an individual and the context in which the substance is taken. In the case of hard drugs (heroin, crack, LSD, …) some trips are so strong that they can really become distressing (hallucinations…) and leave psychological sequels.

Bamboule: “which rolls bamboule”, defines the order of passage on a joint. To understand: the one who drives, shoots first.

Bang: a type of pipe consisting of a tube plugged at one end and fitted with a hole to allow a draught at the base of the fireplace. Originally, bangs are made of bamboo (handicraft) but they are more and more found in glass or ceramic.

Bar: it expresses a quantity of hashish of reference, in the same way as a bourriche of oysters! This quantity is more or less variable according to the retailer but is situated around 2g and is sold on average 10 euros (that is to say 5 euros the gram).

Bedo: joint, marijuana cigarette, spliff, firecracker, petard, oinj, buzz, stick (small bedo rolled with a leaf). A bédo is a cigarette rolled with generally 2 sheets (but each one makes what it wants hein!) and in which one puts grass (or hashish) and tobacco.

Bédave : action of smoking a joint. “He’s got too much drool, he’s high!”

Beuh : abbreviation of “beuher” which means grass, in verlan.

Marrakech butter: psychoactive butter. This culinary preparation is made with butter and the active substances (especially THC) present in the leaves and flowers of cannabis. Marrakech butter is the main ingredient in the making of a “space cake”.

Bhang: edible preparation of cannabis. Originally, bhang is an Indian drink made of milk, yogurt, spices and cannabis paste (hashish) / When we refer to bhang, we are usually talking about a drink (a liquid) but it is also found in solid forms (space cake). In the right dosage, bhang can cause effects similar to a small dose of LSD or hallucinogenic mushrooms.

BHO : for Butan hash Oil that is to say, an oil of cannabis resin extracted with butane. The extraction with liquid butane consists in separating the trichomes from the dried cannabis buds by cooking the whole slowly. We obtain thus an ultra-concentrated ultra-concentrated. Depending on its texture, BHO is sold as “budder” (smooth texture), shatter (crumbly texture) or crumble (dense and sandy texture). The choice of a texture will depend on the desired consumption mode and the specific taste of each user.

Bistrot CBD: French website selling legal products of certified quality such as organic oils (without chemical fertilizers) full spectrum (fullspectrum) and hemp flowers naturally rich in CBD. This shop CBD proposes a service of delivery neat and discreet in all France.

Blunt: marijuana cigarette rolled in a cigar leaf. It is from the famous Phillies Blunt cigar that its name is taken.

Bob: refers to a good big cone-shaped firecracker reminiscent of the joints of the rastas. Who says ” rasta ” says BOB Marley of course ! “Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up for Your Rights

Bogarter: verb meaning the fact of smoking and not sharing the joint, in reference to Humphrey Bogart seen very often the butt at the corner of the lips. Stop bogarting and “pass the oinj, y a du mon de sur la corde à linge” ( NTM).

Bong (or “B”): a type of pipe in the form of a tube requiring water to function (cooling and filtration) and allowing the smoke from the substance burned in the socket (fireplace) to be inhaled. The hose is immersed in water which filters out tar and other impurities. Its effect is characterized as “violent” since the principle is to suck up the whole casing at once!

– small piece of pot (representing one or two joints) that is left in the bottom of the pockets. “You got a meatball for me?”
– small incandescence coming off the ember of the joint and causing the infamous “pellet hole”.

Broardspectrum: broad spectrum cannabis oil from a supercritical CO2 extraction similar to the full spectrum one. It has just undergone one more step to remove the THC naturally present in the plant. This last extraction is done with ethanol, it results in a degradation of other cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids that will have an impact on the flavors and effects of oils.

Bud: English word for cannabis buds.

Budder: cannabis concentrate with a smooth and creamy texture extracted from the plant by solvents. (See BHO)

C is for…

Stall: inhale the entire bong sleeve in one take.

Cannabiculturist: a word coined from the terms cannabis and farmer to specifically refer to a recreational hemp grower.

Cannabidiol (CBD): cannabinoid naturally present in hemp. It is known for its relaxing effects. It is found today in many products (heads, resin, balms, liquids for electronic cigarette, oil …) sold legally on the French market.

Cannabinoid: family of molecules, present in particular in the cannabis, which act on certain cells of the organization. The most concentrated cannabinoid in cannabis is THC, followed by CBD.

Cannabis: Cannabis sativa L. is a plant of the family of Cannabaceae, annual, dioecious, robust, adapted to almost all the environments and known for its numerous virtues. If from a strictly botanical point of view the Cannabis sativa L. is the only species of hemp recognized and not the opposite, it is declined in several varieties intended for various uses. Indeed, in the current language we use the term “hemp” to define a legal variety intended for the industry (building, textile, paper, …) and that of cannabis to speak about the illegal psychotropic plant (Indian hemp, weed, zeb, weed, ganja, …)

Carrot: When a smoker pulls too deeply on his joint, the embers don’t have time to cool down and turn into ashes. The result is a large carrot (glowing embers, strawberry).

Carotter: to deceive about the quantity and/or quality of the drug being distributed.

CBD: abbreviation of a cannabinoid specific to hemp, cannabidiol. This abbreviation is often seen next to a legal variety of cannabis sold as CBD product (OG Kush CBD, Amnesia CBD, …).

CBDa: cannabidiolic acid. It is very closely related to CBD since it is the precursor.

CBN: cannabinol, cannabinoid. It is a metabolite of THC that is generated when THC is heated or exposed to oxygen.

Hemp: derived from the Latin cannabis. This term designates cannabis cultivated for its fiber (industrial hemp as opposed to Indian hemp, cultivated for its psychotropic properties), which is highly prized in the textile industry (clothing, boat sails, etc.), in the building industry (sound and heat insulation), in the manufacture of paper, animal litter, etc. The hemp seeds (chénevis), devoid of THC but rich in essential fatty acids, are used in food (seed oil rich in essential fatty acids). In France, the production of hemp is very controlled. Seeds for cultivation must be supplied by state-approved organizations such as the Coopérative Centrale. They belong to varieties of hemp with a THC rate inferior or equal to 0,2% (French tolerance threshold). Since a few years, with the arrival on the French market of CBD, this legal hemp is also cultivated for the manufacture of products with cannabidiol.


  • Indian charas : considered as the Rolls Royce of pot ! Originating from India, this cannabis concentrate is obtained from manually pressed live plants. What distinguishes it from hashish (dry flowers). The subspecies of cannabis used for its manufacture are naturally very concentrated in resin (trichomes) gorged with cannabinoids (THC and CBD in particular). If today Pakistan and Afghanistan manufacture charas, the quality of this resinous concentrate is far from that of the types of weed growing freely in the Himalayas.
  • Pakistani charas: garda (Pakistani shit) worked with a little water then flattened. If the aspect can let think of the Indian charas, this hash is actually much less black inside. Here, the resin is not obtained by rubbing the hemp heads but by sifting them.

Chichon: A slightly outdated name given to hashish.

Chillum: cone-shaped pipe used to smoke opium, tobacco, cannabis, hashish… Traditionally used in a spiritual context, it is now used by “old school” but cool consumers!

Chocolate: name given to hashish. In particular to the Moroccan type, in reference to its brown color.

Coffee-shops: Known worldwide by cannabis lovers, coffee-shops in Amsterdam (Netherlands) are stores specialized in the sale of cannabis products. A kind of café restaurant where marijuana is consumed on the spot or to take away! Today, in France, establishments specializing in the sale of CBD goods are considered as coffee shops light.

Gluing : consists in gluing two sheets to be rolled in the shape of L to make a big joint (“a 2 sheets”)

Concentrates: their production is done by solvent extraction of the cannabinoids of the cannabis from its vegetable form. The result is a product with a very high THC content, liquid like thick sticky oils (BHO) or solid like shatter, budder … The different names given to the compounds depend on the sub-species of hemp used, the way they are manufactured and especially their texture.

Cone: short for joint because of its generally cone-shaped appearance.

Consumer: user, user, … term which designates a person consuming drugs and this, whatever the frequency.

Couch-lock: translated from English as “stuck to the couch”. To be in a “couch lock” state is to be so high (stoned) on a substance that you can’t move.

Cut: is said of a product (essentially pot) in which substances more or less harmful (simple excipient or active compounds) to health are added. The purpose of this maneuver is to make the product heavier and thus increase the profit margin. Shit can be cut with henna, kerosene, glue, earth, shoe polish, medicine and even plastic!

CBD crystals: product composed of 100% CBD, all other molecules naturally present in a cannabis plant are absent.

D for…

Dealer: English word meaning salesman. This term is used to refer to a small-scale dealer who pays for his personal consumption by selling cannabis to friends, but also to a street dealer.

Decarboxylation: transformation of a molecule subjected to a heat source which then loses its carboxyl acid group (COOH). This is particularly the case of CBD and THC which result from a decarboxylation of CBDa and THCa respectively.

Def: broken, “stoned”, “fonceded” (verlan), squared, undone, stiff def, stiffened, taped, smashed, stripped, occis, exploded and other adjectives that describe the extremely relaxed state of a cannabis user.

Addiction: repeated, compulsive and irrepressible craving for a substance.

Descent: when the effects of a drug are waning (as opposed to rising). This return to reality can sometimes be hard to apprehend depending on the quality, the quantity and the type of consumer (regular or occasional). It is often during the descent that a cannabis user can have a bad trip. Too hard this return to real life!

Double zero: resulting from the first press undergone by the plant of cannabis, it is the best Moroccan hashish.

Socket: combustion chamber of the bong or of some pipes.

Dreadlocks, dread: also known as “locks”, rastas or cadenettes, dreadlocks (literally “devil’s hair”) are tangled strands of hair. Throughout history, they have been worn by different peoples (Rastafarians, Masai, Bantus, Egyptians, …) on different continents (Africa, America, Asia).

E for…

Bursting: action of “unsealing” the joint (removing the excess paper at the end) and then lighting it.

Surrounding effect: when molecules collaborate with each other to optimize their effectiveness. The “entourage effect” was described by the Israeli researcher Raphaël Méchoulam in 1998 and is still widely studied.

Pink elephants: metaphor relating to the hallucinations caused by a drug. He sees pink elephants, he’s totally stoned!

F is for…

Feminized: a feminized seed guarantees to its cultivator the obtaining of a female foot of cannabis. These seeds are the most used to have hemp for recreational or therapeutic use. It is indeed, at the level of the inflorescences, that the concentration of active principles is the strongest.

Flowering: production after the vegetative phase (growth). Flowering of hemp is the period during which the plants begin to produce flowers. The length of this cycle depends on the genetics of the cultivated variety.

Filter: a strip of rolled cardboard, sometimes slipped into a hollowed-out cigarette filter but usually put in as is, or a piece of cut cigarette (known as a “Moroccan” filter).

Flavonoids: molecules found in most of the plant world. There are 23 specific to cannabis, the “cannaflavins”. Flavonoids are not psychoactive but are likely to have interesting antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-viral properties. They are good allies to optimize the effects of cannabinoids (entourage effect).

Cannabisflower: the reproductive organ of female plants that will produce a seed if fertilized by pollen from a male plant. The flowers are the most interesting plant parts for a recreational cannabis user because they have the highest concentration of active substances (cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids). Cannabis flowers are complex structures. They are composed of several parts with specific functions (calyx, pistil, trichomes, small resinous leaves).

Freak-out: a bad experience under the influence of a drug (bad trip) that can lead to anxiety, paranoia or distress, sometimes accompanied by physical symptoms such as sweating, shaking, dizziness, malaise or nausea

Hay: poor quality or old weed that “rips” the throat and tastes like hay…..

Firebox: combustion chamber (sleeve) of variable size of the bong or certain pipes.

Strawberry: When a smoker shoots his firecracker too deeply, the embers don’t have time to cool down and turn into ash. The result is a large strawberry (glowing embers, carrot).

Freak Street: point of arrival of the hippies on “the road to Kathmandu”. Freak street was their Nirvana since the use and sale of drugs of all kinds was completely legal.

Fullspectrum: refers to a full spectrum cannabis oil. It is issued from a CO2 extraction which allows this pure oil (raw oil) to keep all the original concentrations of most of the molecules (CBD, THC, terpenes, flavonoids,…) naturally present in the plant.

G is for…

Ganja, ganjah or gandjah: refers to grass, in India and Jamaica Originally used for religious rituals. Rastas smoke a lot of ganja (kaya) to get in touch with Jah (the god of Rastafarianism) and thus secure a place with him. He also calls it “a herb of wisdom for the healing of nations”.

Garda: Pakistani hashish obtained by sifting cannabis plants. Garda is also called pollen.

Grinder: cylindrical object separated into 2 parts with teeth arranged in such a way that the product put inside is crushed when the parts are rotated. Some of these weed grinders have two or three compartments, separated by increasingly fine screens, in order to collect the trichomes that separate from the weed at the time of grinding and thus obtain its own shit.

H is for…

Hallucination (hallu): truncated perception of reality (visual or sound) that can result from taking drugs (such as LSD). “Seeing pink elephants”.

H, hash, hashish: Hashish (shit, chichon, black, teuteu …) consists of trichomes (resinous glands very often misnamed “pollen”) extracted from hemp flowers. They are then pressed manually or hydraulically. The hashish forms a paste. It is more or less compact, sticky and of variable color according to the type of weed and the method of extraction used for its manufacture. This extraction can be done with solvents that separate the oil resin from the remaining plant material. It can also be done manually by rubbing the flowers and leaves of the weed plant directly with your hands.

Haschichin : Partisan of the Club of the Haschichins. In 1840, after a trip to the Orient, the alienist doctor Jacques-Joseph Moreau of Tours opened an establishment where the consumption of hashish was tested in the form of green jam. The Club of the Hashishins. Among his supporters, we find friends of this doctor but also artists and writers such as Charles Baudelaire, Honoré de Balzac and Théophile Gautier (to name but a few).

Haze: literally, fog. This variety of weed 100% sativa arrived in California in the Seventies and quickly invaded the whole world, as well for its organoleptic properties as for the power and the singularity of its effects. It gave rise to many hybrids like the Super Lemon Haze.

Henna: thorny shrub whose leaves, once reduced to powder, are used for body or textile dyes (red, yellow and orange). Henna is unfortunately diverted to cut the shit to increase its weight.

Herb: weed, hemp, cannabis, weed, … This word comes from the famous slogan held by the hippies of the 70s: “Don’t walk in the grass, smoke it!” (“don’t walk in the grass, smoke it!”).

High: The term “brain high” is often used to refer to the powerful effect of a drug on the brain.

Hippies: supporters of the 1960s hippie movement that preached love, peace and freedom. (“peace and love”) in protest against the militarism and bourgoisie of the time. Rejecting the moral and social values of their elders, they distinguish themselves by their look (long hair, bell-bottoms, colorful outfits) and their consumption of cannabis and LSD.

Oil: liquid concentrate of cannabis. Depending on the method of extraction (supercritical Co2 or solvents) and the parts of the hemp plant used, it differs in its composition (fullspectrum, broadspectrum, CBD isolate).

I for…

Indica: variety of cannabis originating in the Middle East and Asia, of small size with the bushy aspect, the dense flowers and the short growth and bloom. These varieties are rather intended for the manufacture of hashish. They generate a relaxing effect of “body stone” and this, surely because of their naturally high level of CBD. From an organoleptic point of view, the range of aromas of the indica is less rich than that of the sativa but very marked. For example, the Kush plants are characterized by very fruity aromas (Banana Kush, Candy Kush, Hindu Kush…) and more woody notes specify the Skunk.

Indian: recreational ritual of (rather young) cannabis users. It is a matter of rotating the joint while holding the smoke until it is back in hand.

CBD isolate: oil where only the CBD is preserved. All other molecules naturally present in a cannabis plant are absent.

J as in…

Jah : God of the Rastafari religion.

Jamaica : island of the Caribbean Sea known to be the cradle of reggae in particular thanks to the famous singer Bob Marley and the rasta movement (social, cultural and spiritual) introduced in 1930. It is in 1860 that the marijuana arrives in Jamaica and knows a real success with the local pop. Ganja will be prohibited from 1913 but will remain a very popular substance for the Rastas who advocate its religious consumption to reach the elevation of their spirit and get closer to their god (Jah).

Joint: cigarette of zeb, mixed or not with tobacco, most often rolled with 2 leaves and in the shape of cone. Characterizes the bédo, the spliff, the petard, the pet, the oinj, the buzz, the stick (small joint rolled with a sheet).

K as in…

Kathmandu: capital of Nepal and mythical city. Freak Street was the arrival point of the hippies on the “Kathmandu road” in the sixties. They could acquire and consume in all legality the hardest drugs (LSD, opium, heroin, …). At that time, the stores had a government license to sell these drugs. It was in 1973 that this use of drugs was prohibited.

Kaya: one of the names given to weed in Jamaica and which was popularized by a song of Bob Marley.

Kif, kief, kifi, skuff: cannabis concentrate obtained from weed flowers carefully sifted to separate the resin (trichomes) from the rest of the plant. The resulting greenish-yellow powder is then manually pressed to form kif.

L is for…

Landrace: cannabis plant at the origin of all the current varieties. These plants were traditionally cultivated throughout the world for their various virtues (fibers or psychotropic) and have adapted to climatic and environmental variations.

Latte: puff, puff, inhalation.

Lebanese: type of hashish of red color coming originally from the plain of Bekaa in Lebanon.

CBD liquid: e-liquid intended to be used in the vape with an electronic cigarette. Like all e-liquids, it consists of propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG) and flavors but, differs from its acolytes, by the CBD it contains (cannabidiol).

Locks: see dreadlocks

M is for…

Marie Jeanne : a kind of Mexican pun made on the term “marijuana” which, cut in 2, gives Mari and Juana, similar to the traditional Spanish names Maria and Juana. This play on words will later give in French: Marie Jeanne.

Marijuana: a name of Mexican origin meaning “the herb that intoxicates” which refers to recreational cannabis.

Moroccan :
– type of hashish from Morocco of brown / olive green color. It has a strong and spicy taste and gives 3 different qualities of shit resulting from 3 successive hydraulic presses. The first press, “the olive”, the most prized, is the purest. The second one is the most commercialized in its country of origin and in France at the big retailers. The third, of lesser quality, and very often cut with other products (henna, plastic, …) to increase its mass and therefore its profitability (the price is set per gram), is found in the streets of France sold by small dealers
– name given to the filter of a joint made with a piece of cigarette.

Stuff: term designating as well the drug, “do you have stuff to smoke?”, as the necessary to the consumption (pipe, leaves, …).

Mixing: means the mix of cigarette and cannabis or the mix of alcohol and joint.

Mix: mixture of tobacco and cannabis (shit or grass) intended to put in a firecracker or in a casing.

Escalation: the phase during which the effects of the drug begin to be felt (as opposed to “descent”)

Moon rock: literally, moon stone. Form of cannabis that appeared in the United States around 2014. It is considered the strongest in the world. The moon rock consists of a premium quality cannabis flower, soaked in weed oil and then rolled in kif or dry hashish, like breadcrumbs.

N as in…

Hookah: a kind of large water pipe with multiple mouthpieces. The hookah is traditionally smoked in North Africa and the Middle East with a mixture of tobacco and molasses deposited on coal. Its use is very often diverted by adding to this mixture a small pellet of shit or some pieces of weed.

Nepalese: black shit with green highlights. This Asian resin is very sought-after for its powerful effects, its soft taste long in mouth and its bewitching smell. this shit is obtained by hand pressing which gives it an extremely malleable aspect (chewing gum type).

Nirvana : in the Buddhist religion, nirvana is reached when all human desires give way to a state of absolute fulfillment. Regular drug users are often looking for nirvana, but addiction leads to increased doses to achieve the same effects.

O as in…

OG Kush: very famous variety of cannabis with dominant sativa. The meaning of the initials OG differs according to opinions, “Original Gangster” for some, “Ocean Grow” for others. Arrived in North America on the Californian market, the OG Kush knew an immediate success for the originality of its smell, the complexity of its taste, the quality of its returns (culture), the facility of its culture and its powerful relaxing effects.

Oinj: verlan for joint; marijuana cigarette.

Olive: Moroccan hashish olive green from the first press.

Orange bud: variety of marijuana with dominant sativa resulting from parents 100% Skunk.

P is for…

Pakistani: type of hashish which is differentiated in two varieties according to their mode of manufacture: the charas or the garda. Its soft and long taste reminds that of the Afghan and its aspect (consistency and color), rather that of the Nepalese (very dark chewing-gum).

Pécho : from the chopper verlan
– Getting a drug in general. “I finally found a way to hook up”.
– Getting caught by the police. “It’s hot, I got hit with 2 grams of weed”

Firecracker: a cigarette made of pure marijuana or mixed with tobacco, usually rolled with 2 leaves and shaped like a cone. Characterizes the pet, the bédo, the spliff, the joint, the oinj, the buzz, the stick (small joint rolled with a sheet).

Pipe : Pipe ending with a more or less important hearth allowing to put there all substances which smoke. There are pipes of all sizes and different types (water pipe, bong, chillum, …)

Pistil: sexual organ of a female plant. On cannabis, it represents the small hair-like extensions on the flowers. These change color depending on the variety and maturity of the flower from white to red through brown-orange. In the case of a recreational cannabis crop, the appearance of

these pistils

unfertilized change and thus indicate the time of harvest.

Tire: very poor quality shit, very dark and dry. Its smell and taste are reminiscent of burning rubber.

– grains produced by the stamens of male plants and intended for fertilization.
– Denomination of a type of powdery greenish yellow shit (la garda or some Moroccans)

Pot: Anglo-Saxon and slang term for marijuana.

Psychoactive: qualifies a compound which has a psychotropic effect, which has an impact on the nervous system.

Psychotropic: a substance that alters the psyche, particularly mood, consciousness and perception.

Q is for…

Quebec: stick (small joint) with very little tobacco and much hash.

R as in…

Rastafarians: partisans of a social, cultural and spiritual movement assimilated to a religion and having for deity Jah. Rastas are vegetarians. They do not touch their hair (dreadlocks) and were popularized by Bob Marley (famous reggae singer). They are known to be serious ganja lovers! Their belief, based on the Old Testament, claims a black cultural identity.

Resin: A substance secreted by the trichomes of a cannabis plant. Hashish is made from this resin.

Roll: implied to make a joint, “go ahead and roll!”

Ruderalis: specific phenotype of a variety of hemp also called “wild hemp”. Long considered a wild weed (as its common name indicates) in Central and Eastern Europe but, withstanding cold and hostile climates, this robust type of cannabis, small in size (less than 1 meter), with little branching and a very low concentration of THC (< 0,5%) has a very early flowering which makes it interesting to cultivate. Many hybrids are the result of a cross between Ruderalis and other cannabis subspecies (sativa, indica). This mixture brings to the new line, characteristics very required by the hemp growers.

S as in…

Sativa: plant of weed remarkable by its size size (from 2 to 6m in optimal conditions) and the richness of its fibres. The flowers of the sativa are generally long, spread all along the branch and airy. Their main stem is fluted and hollow. Sativa users refer to its effects as a “cerebral high” (stimulation of the psyche).

Soap: a unit of measure for a large piece of pot shaped like soap for dealers. One bar of soap weighs about 250 grams.

Sinsemilla: term literally taken from the Spanish sin semilla, without seed. It indicates a plant of weed not fertilized. If today the majority of the weed found on the market is of type sinsemilla, that was not always the case.

Shit: one of the many nicknames of hashish.

Shop CBD: type of business that appeared in France in 2018 and specializes in the sale of products containing CBD.

Sicdust: the name given to the greenish-yellow powder obtained after the cannabis flowers have been sifted.

Skuff: kif, kief, kifi, cannabis concentrate obtained from weed flowers carefully sifted to separate the resin (trichomes) from the rest of the plant. The greenish yellow powder (sicdust) obtained is pressed by hand to form the skuff.

Skunk: Skunk (translation: skunk) is a variety of inescapable grass, elaborated in the 70s in the United States. It is known for its powerful and positive cerebral effects accompanied by a lasting muscular relaxation. Its earthy and sweet taste and its lemony smell make it one of the best from an organoleptic point of view.

Space cake: cake in which has been incorporated cannabis (bhang). The effects can be delayed because of digestion, but the rise can be brutal and unexpected. All the more so because the doses are difficult to customize.

Spliff: characterizes a large joint of originally pure grass (Jamaica) rolled in a corn leaf or, failing that, in newspaper.

Stick: small joint of weed or hash rolled with a sheet.

Stone: literally translated from English as stone to mean a state of heaviness (like a stone). A person who is under the influence of drugs. Translates into a super relaxed state, even amorphous, both physically and psychically. Indica cannabis plants are known to produce a “body stone”.

Substrate: in the culture of the cannabis, the choice of the substrate is very important. Indeed, it is the base on which the roots of the plants will develop. Different types of substrate are particularly interesting for the culture of a cannabis plant: potting soil, clay balls, coconut fiber, rock wool or water for hydroponics.

T is for…

Taffe: latte, puff, inhalation.

Chernobyl, cherno: very bad quality shit, with a terrible taste and smell. Name given in reference to the infamous Ukrainian nuclear power plant, V.I. Lenin.

Tincture: a liquid extract (concentrate) of cannabis usually made with alcohol that separates and binds to the cannabinoids. Scented or not, these tinctures are consumed by putting a few drops under the tongue (sublingual) or incorporated into a drink. Cannabis tincture is also known as “green dragon” or green dragon.

Terpenes: main components of a resin or essential oil plant. As for cannabis as a plant, it is the terpenes that give it its organoleptic properties (taste and smell). They are very useful for pollination, and very appreciated by consumers! In addition to their aromatic qualities, terpenes can enter in synergy with other molecules of the plant as catalysts or inhibitors.

Saliva test: is used to detect the presence of a substance qualified as a narcotic (thc, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines) without revealing the quantity. Its development aims to simplify and accelerate police controls on road networks. As with other tests (urine, capillary or blood), THC can be detected even after several days without taking the substance (from several hours to 30 days depending on the type of consumption).

Heads: flowers, terminations of the female cannabis plants arrived at maturity and made up primarily of bracts and bracteoles (the smallest leaves of the plant and the most charged in active substances).

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC ): the most represented cannabinoid in hemp known for its stimulating, euphoric and/or high psychotropic effects. This molecule belongs to the list of the stupefying substances according to the decree of February 22, 1990.

Teuch, teuchi, teuteu: hashish; shit in slang.

Thai: very powerful Thai herb with strong, fruity and specific aromas to this type of weed. This pure sativa gave birth to many other varieties of cannabis like the famous Haze.

THC: Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, psychoactive cannabinoid.

THCa: tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. It is very closely related to THC since it is the precursor.

Tolerance (to a drug): when an individual’s body has become “used to” a substance. Tolerance to drugs means increasing the dose to achieve the same effects.

Turn: to turn a joint means to pass it to its neighbor.

Drug addict: an individual who regularly and repeatedly uses a drug that is likely to cause physical and/or psychological dependence. Commonly used to refer to any drug user.

Trichomes: place of biosynthesis of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. These resinous glands give a hairy aspect to the weed flowers.

Trip: from the English meaning “trip” and expressing the effect of a drug.

U as in…

User: consumer, user, … name that designates a person who uses drugs, regardless of the frequency.

V is for…

Vape, vapotage: term used to describe the inhalation of steam from an electronic cigarette.

Vaporizer: a device whose function is to extract compounds from a plant material by heating them and thus allowing their inhalation.

Vaporization: term used to describe the inhalation of vapor from a vaporizer. More generally, vaporization is defined as the change from a liquid or solid state to a gas or vapor.

W is for…

Wax: one of the forms of the concentrates of cannabis.

Weed: grass, weed, Marie Jeanne, … One of the many terms that describe the heads of cannabis.

X as in…

Y is for…

Z is for…

Zamal: nickname of the weed on the island of Reunion.

Zeb : weed, grass, cannabis, weed, …

Zetla: a slang word from the Arabic for pot.


As everyone knows, the French language is evolving and so is the language of cannabis. By the time you read this little cannabic lexicon, new words around cannabis may already be in common use in the “cannaphile” community. Don’t worry, we’re working on it!