Moon Rock: Reviews, Effects and Uses of the Best Cannabis Flower

Posted on , by alain topflex

Some products are sold in a form that “mimics” illegal cannabis (flowers, hashish, seed oils, moon rock) rich in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). But others are more original (CBD balm, hemp scented candles, capsules to ingest,

e-liquid with CBD

for electronic cigarette) and specific to the heterogeneity of CBD users. Indeed, the latter are essentially looking for the relaxing effects of CBD. Mimicking drug use is aimed at a more specific audience. Indeed, it is rare for a former pot smoker to source CBD candles to begin a cannabis withdrawal.

Cannabis flowers (weed, weed heads, grass, marijuana, ganja, bud), hashish (shit, chichon, hash, pollen, cannabis resin) and oil are rather popular terms differentiating the forms to consume hemp with or without THC. But, in recent years, a little new has appeared on the market of CBD (cannabidiol): the moon rock.

The history of Moon Rock

Moon rock” appeared in the United States around 2014 and is considered the strongest form of cannabis in the world.

the strongest in the world

. It is composed of:

  • of a premium quality cannabis flower,
  • soaked in weed oil
  • then rolled in Kief or dry hashish, like breadcrumbs.

This form of cannabis popular in hip hop circles, was popularized back in 2015, when American rapper Kurupt put out his own version:

  • Kurupt’s Moonrock, from a Girl Scout Cookies variety, dipped in weed oil and sprinkled with Sicdust.

The moon rock gets its name from its appearance similar to a moonstone.

Some definitions and information

– Kief and hashish: these forms of cannabis differ only in the way they are pressed. Their composition and their rate in cannabinoids (CBD and THC in particular), terpenes and flavonoids are the same of a form to the other. In fact, these factors only depend on the variety of grass used. The kief (kifi, kif, skuff) and the hashish (shit, chichon, Moroccan, hash, Nepalese, pollen, Afghan, …) are obtained from the flowers of weed carefully sifted. This sifting allows to separate the resin (trichomes) from the rest of the plant. The greenish yellow powder obtained is then pressed manually (kif) or hydraulically (hashish). In the latter case, the resulting dough is harder, more compact and darker than with a manual press.
– Sicdust: name given to the greenish-yellow powder obtained once the

cannabis flowers

– Trichomes : Trichomes are hairs covering the surface of a plant organ. Their concentration varies according to the plants and organs concerned. They can have different functions such as increasing the root absorption surface, limiting evapotranspiration, retaining rainwater and protecting the plant. In cannabis, they are the place of synthesis of the active ingredients (cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids). Their level of maturation will thus have a considerable effect on the organoleptic qualities (taste and odor conferred by the terpenes) and the rate of cannabinoids (CBD and THC in particular) of the herb.
– Sativa buds: Buds of sativa variety are generally long and airy. They are extended all along the branch.
– Buds of indica: The heads of variety indica are dense. They form in clusters at the internodes of the branches.
– Hybrid: resulting from a cross between different varieties of marijuana.

How to make Moon Rock?

As with any product, the quality of moon rocks found on the market depends on the quality of the raw materials. This relevance will inevitably have an impact on the price of the finished product, but its organoleptic properties and relative effects will be all the better!

Once the variety of cannabis chosen for the realization of the moon rock, its manufacture is done in 3 stages:
– Careful manicure of dry weed heads: consists in removing, at best, the stems and the leaves of the inflorescences.
– Cannabis oil bath (preferably an organic fullspectrum oil)
– Sprinkling of kif or dry hashish
The size and density of the buds have their importance in the making of a beautiful moon rock. Indeed, the bigger and more compact they are, the better the moonrock will stand. It is thus generally made from indica or hybrid with dominance indica. It is however quite possible to find varieties sativa of moon rocks.
The varieties of herbs used in its manufacture are generally from indoor culture. This method of cultivation allows us to perfectly control all the parameters (humidity, temperature, lighting) and thus guarantee the excellence of the inflorescences.

If Moon Rock exists, where can I find it and at what price?

To be able to taste moon rock, you have to be able to get it. To find this form of marijuana in its illegal version (high THC content) en FranceYou will need to know the right people and listen to the right advice. Indeed, a purchase under the elbow rarely guarantees a good quality product. Moreover, the prices on the black market can go up to 40 eur per gram.

On the other hand, in cities like Amsterdam (Netherlands) or Barcelona (Spain), coffee shops and clubs specialized in cannabis offer moon rock of all kinds. Phile these countries are potentially large producersThe quality/price ratio is interesting (around 30 eur per gram). The moon rock CBD (THC level < 0.2%) can be easily found.

The physical CBD shops are still reluctant to face the law as the product is so powerful. It is still difficult for them to display this form of cannabis in their storefront. On the other hand, on the Internet, many sites have embarked on the adventure and guarantee a purchase and a discreet delivery service to their customers. Despite a high price per gram (from 15 to 30e the gram on average), the moon rock has quickly become a star product!

How do I use Moon Rock?

Because of its compact texture, moon rock is very difficult to grind in a conventional grinder. It will be necessary to scrape small pieces by hand or with a pair of scissors. Be careful, because it is not always easy to avoid pellet brushes. Consumed in a joint, they will inevitably land on the floor! However, if this is the desired method of consumption, you will have to be patient to chop it as finely as possible. Put it on some weed before rolling it because its stickiness is not suitable for paper. But even if you have to smoke it, prefer the pipe or the bong.

Moonrock can also be cooked in the ”

space cake

“or in any other dish or infusion. However, with digestion, the effects will be delayed and lessened. Given the price per gram of this product, it would be a bit of a waste!

The best way to inhale moon rock is with a vaporizer. It is enough to deposit small pieces of this very particular form of cannabis in the chamber of the device and the turn and played! This technique does not cause extremely harmful combustion. On the other hand, it allows you to fully enjoy the powerful effects of moon rock in a dense cloud of steam!

Opinion on the effects and organoleptic properties of Moon Rock

Whether we’re talking about the CBD version or the THC version, either way, moon rock is the most potent type of cannabis product known today. Indeed, the three raw materials (premium variety of weed flowers, concentrated oil and Kif or hashish) used in the manufacture of this product, are naturally very concentrated in cannabinoids. All these contents added together can give dizzying levels of cannabinoids to the finished product (up to 90% for THC and 70% for CBD). This type of product is not really suitable for cannabis novices.

From the first inhalations, a powerful effect rises to the brain and then spreads slowly throughout the body. This is where the word “stoned” comes into its own!

Since the moon rock is made with various varieties of marijuana (like

the Hindu Kusk

or Skunk), its flavors and aromas are very extensive but especially very pronounced. The 3 forms of cannabis superimposed give to the moonrock unique organoleptic properties and particularly tenacious in mouth.

Side effects of Moon Rock

Given its potency, a few tips before using it can be helpful:

  • Always bring a bottle of water: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! The sensation of thirst is quickly felt. Oral dehydration (commonly known as “pasty”) is at its peak!
  • From the first puff/inhalation, a big surge can happen very (too) quickly. It sometimes leads to a difficulty in moving normally. An advice, sit down and let the magic happen!
  • A snack just before the big jump: In order to avoid a good hunger attack in the best case scenario or nausea in the worst. These effects occur when a large dose of cannabinoids is taken on an empty stomach.
  • And above all, do not program anything within hours of its consumption! Apart from that, relax.

To conclude…

The moon rock has the appearance, as its name suggests, of a moon rock. Its reputation places it as the most powerful cannabis product in the world. Once you know how it is made, it is easy to understand why! No hemp flower or oil can naturally reach such a high cannabinoid content. LConsumer reviews often compare it to a vintage or caviar. to a vintage wine or caviar.

FAQ : Moon Rock

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